Following in the footsteps of many great startups, DirectNetworks, Inc. began in 1999 out of a second-story Madison apartment. With brisk sales and steady growth, DirectNetworks outgrew its humble roots. In 2005, DirectNetworks renovated a Beltline warehouse into a new high-tech facility designed to provide top-of-the-line IT solutions to its small-to-medium-sized business clients and space for its growing number of employees. Today DirectNetworks employs over two dozen individuals, from engineers and help desk support to marketing, sales, accounting and admin to form a vibrant company founded upon skilled and knowledgeable talent.
DirectNetworks is honored to be ranked 143 on MSPmentor's top 501 managed service providers list worldwide in 2014. According to MSPmentor, "The results rank MSPs based on annual recurring revenues, dollar growth, percentage growth, devices managed and plenty more." That being said, we attribute our success to our commitment to providing quality customer service and IT support, and in even greater part to our loyal customer base.